Velocidad de Escape

Andrés and the Quantum Machine

I was playing a bit with the OpenAI playground, fine-tuning the prompts a bit in such a way that the AI would give me interesting results. Prompt: > Tell me a full story with a beginning, middle, and end...



La importancia de hacer nada

**Disclaimer: This post will be in Spanish** Primero que todo voy a darles un poco de contexto; yo empecé mi vida laboral cuando tenía aproximadamente unos 12 años, no era un trabajo formal, trabajaba como...


Velocidad de Escape: La cibercultura en el final del siglo

It has been a long time since the last time I wrote a post here, however, now that I have a little more free time I plan to resume writing. I hope this post is short. I want to tell you where the inspiration...


Protected routes and authorization using React Router v6

In the project I am currently working on, a specific need arose, we should protect certain routes of a web application from certain user roles (for security reasons). For example, we have a page where...
