Velocidad de Escape

Navigating Data Streams: An Exploration of JavaScript Iterators and Generators

In the vast landscape of JavaScript, efficient data handling is crucial, and two key players stand out: Iterators and Generators. These features empower developers to navigate and manipulate data in unique ways, offering enhanced control and flexibility in the iterative process. **Iterators** serve as trusty guides, enabling the sequential traversal of collections or structures. With the Iterator Protocol at their core, these objects provide a standardized approach to accessing elements one at a time. From arrays to custom data structures, iterators lay the groundwork for orderly...


Epoch of Innovation: The Timeless Legacy of Unix in Computing History

The Unix timestamp began with 17 this Tuesday 14 November 2023 10:13:20 PM UTC. ```console date -ur 1700000000 ``` In the enchanted dawn of computing, Unix's birth heralded an epic of innovation. From the mystical forge of Bell Labs, Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie conjured an operating system destined to revolutionize the digital cosmos. Amidst this enchantment, a cosmic quandary beckoned: timekeeping. In 1970, a celestial decree marked January 1 as the epoch—the genesis of Unix time. This seemingly whimsical date, chosen for its magical simplicity, laid the groundwork for a universal...


Do people understand how Template Literals work in JavaScript?

At the most recent Next.js Conf the Vercel team did a short demo about Server Actions, people literally went crazy, they started comparing React with PHP, talking about how insecure this could be, in the end, the only truth is that completely misses everything that we were once taught about the separation of concerns. This is what a <a class="hover:no-underline text-blue underline" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Server Actions</a> looks like, which first of all, is not something that Vercel is introducing in Next.js, it is something that...


SOLID principles applied to an application with React

SOLID is an acronym that represents a set of five design principles for writing maintainable and scalable software. These principles were introduced by Robert C. Martin and have become fundamental concepts in object-oriented programming. While React is primarily a library for building user interfaces and doesn't directly map to classical object-oriented programming, you can still apply SOLID principles in a React context, especially when using functional components and hooks. Here's a brief overview of each SOLID principle along with examples in a React context: ## Single Responsibility...
