Velocidad de Escape

Aprender idiomas con ChatGPT

ChatGPT puede ser una gran herramienta para aprender idiomas, y no, no se trata acerca de un curso creado usando la API de OpenAI, es acerca de usar el chat de la manera correcta buscando la manera de aprender un idioma de acuerdo a nuestras necesidades específicas. Los límites literalmente están en tu mente, porque las posibilidades son casi infinitas... Por otro lado y como lo mencioné en una publicación anterior, en ChatGPT la manera en cómo escribes tus prompts es muy importante. En este artículo puede leer un poco <a class="hover:no-underline text-blue underline"...


An introduction to Monads in Javascript

This is probably one of the most complex topics that I have talked in this blog... We can find definitions of Monads in Mathematics (category theory and linear algebra), Philosophy, Biology and Functional Programming. We already know that it will not be something easy to digest. Let's look at the Wikipedia definition: > In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a monad (also triple, triad, standard construction and fundamental construction) is a monoid in the category of endofunctors. Is it clear? Let's see another approximate definition of what a Monad would be in functional...



Is HTML a programming language?

A few days ago I returned to Twitter and well, apparently things have not changed much... I came across a Byzantine discussion that I thought we might have gotten over, _Is HTML a programming language?_ (Yes, these things are still discussed)... There are two ways to answer this question: 1. Going straight to the definition: **HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is not a programming language**. It is a markup language used to create the structure and layout of a web page. Programming languages, such as JavaScript and Python, are used to add interactivity and dynamic content to a website,...


The art of writing your first prompt

**Disclaimer**: This is not a guide by any means, I am a newbie in this but I am learning. I know by now you may be tired of hearing so much about OpenAI and ChatGPT. The Hype is at its peak and surely it is not for less. We are going to start at the beginning, although I am not going to give you the basic definitions, you can find those in google, let's go straight to the point... ## Access to OpenAI - First thing you’ll need to do is to create an account on <a class="hover:no-underline text-blue underline" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">OpenAI</a> -...