Velocidad de Escape

Standard built-in objects in JavaScript

> The term "global objects" (or standard built-in objects) here is not to be confused with the global object. Here, "global objects" refer to objects in the global scope. > The global object itself can be...


Destructuring: From Zero to Hero

**Destructuring assignment** is probably one of the most importante features that came with ES6. Basically allow us unpack values from arrays, or properties from objects, into distinct variables. In older...


Stop using If else and Switch statements

This is quite difficult to explain, because I don't completely disagree with the use of if-else. The main reason for the existence of the switch statement was to avoid if-else structure in certain...


Redux VS Redux Toolkit

I've been working with Vue and Vuex for over 16 months, but React has always been the library of my loves, so I decided to start a short project with React, Redux and TypeScript to refresh my knowledge. _I...
